
Radically simple.

Your partner in vibrant mental wellness


Our Mission


There are a lot of people in this world flush with resources, successful by every obvious measure, who don’t experience the enjoyment of their success. When resolution is on the table for the causes of this mental pain, it changes everything.

Palladium Mind’s purpose is to help businesses, teams, and individuals bring the right tools and strategy together to achieve vibrant mental wellness and experience satisfaction from within by creating high-leverage personal changes around unconscious issues, organically. We specialize in root cause resolution of core, recurring inner issues because they are the fulcrum for creating all other desired outcomes, including material performance gains and long-lasting intangible dividends.

We Specialize In


We specialize in facilitating transformative changes in the following areas of client’s lives:

  • Authentic Confidence & Worth
  • Clarity, Focus, & Presence
  • Purpose, Energy, & Drive
  • Joy & Satisfaction

We have produced significant, repeated outcomes with clients around:

  • anger
  • anxiousness
  • unwanted behaviors
  • down spectrum emotions and mood

This is because we specialize in resolving the unconscious drivers of these problems using a capable method for creating precise, desired effects.

Common results include:

  • Restored and enhanced motivation
    improved productivity, engagement, focus, optimism, & joy
  • Proactivity towards goals, versus avoidance and procrastination
  • More authentic security in relationships, personal and professional
  • Dramatically improved confidence, certainty, decisiveness, & speed of decision making
  • Access to one’s most natural problem solving ability, presence, & unique leadership style
  • Ability to remain centered and grounded during conflict
  • Expanded vision & connection to purpose
  • etc.

Our work is easy for clients to integrate, suitable for corporate intake, and trauma-informed. We stand by our client’s results, and we’d love to help you achieve your goals and bring your vision to life.

How We Help

We help our clients routinely create the results listed above by using a proven, capable method and proprietary combination of tools, information, and experiential processes that engage all four levels of our client’s awareness – physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. Results are evident and accelerated because we leverage the methodology of root cause resolution and tools which are capable of addressing underlying causes of important, intangible issues. This creates change that stands the test of time.

All service is provided in corporate-friendly, enjoyable formats which are easy to follow and guided step by step for consistency and transparency.

How We Stand Apart

Scope: We can help with the problems you’ve had trouble with addressing other ways. With 8 years experience in systematic healing and integration, we have been leaders in this industry for a long time, and are Seattle’s most referred and trusted partner in unconscious integration.

Results: Leveraging the methodology of root cause resolution and tools which are capable of addressing underlying causes of important, intangible issues, the capable method we help clients apply is practical, profound, comprehensive, and optimized. Our cornerstone engagements come with a full confidence guarantee.

Experience: Not only is our help supportive and effective, our team is also obsessed with creating a premium experience for you. Transparency, quality, and enjoyment are as important metrics to us as delivery.

We Work for Your Vision: We often find common ground with our clients between the kind of world we want to build and live in, and the values and vision they have for our shared futures. But more specifically, our reason for being is to bring our clients’ visions to life. We work for your vision.


Let us help you bring your greatest vision to life.

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